Friday, February 6, 2009


Hey! I decided since our xanga had deminished and hasn't been updated in five months that I would start anew! Rowin just turned 4! Elliot is turning 2 in two weeks and Maggie is four months! Time is flying by! Mark will turn 28 at the end of the month! And in May we will celebrate 6 years of marriage! Please feel free to keep up with us via this new blog.. I hope to write about the kids adventures along with some stories of Mark and I's journey in parenthood. I titled our blog "Bennett's" the Musical because there is constant song and verse around our house. Rowin and Mark are singing constantly and Elliot and Maggie, well, they add their own musical interpretations :). I sing in my own way... "a little quieter please...go to the music room... please don't wake your sister up!" hehe you get the idea. I love the music that goes on in this house... some would call it noise, I call it music.. I know one day the music will fade and it will be quiet around here and I won't know what to do with myself.. So I choose to embrace it and enjoy it while it lasts! I challenge you to do the same in your house. I am excited I am joining the blogger world again!

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